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Top 10 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media

By April 29, 2020May 27th, 2020No Comments

we share in-deep research about Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media that help you to learn much more.

It’s Social first, media Second, then marketing and in that order.

Leslie Samuel is someone who built a business by teaching people how to blog and one of the things he said about social media and business specifically is that we (busineses) tend to forget that social media is for creating relationships and experiences.

And he If you are thinking about marketing your business on social media you have to remember what the purpose of social media is before we start distubuting out sales and marketing pitches.

Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media-

  1. We forget about the social part and focus purely on exposure
  2. We create confusing messages
  3. We do not share enough stories
  4. Like me, know me, trust me, pay me!

Joel Comm Internet Entrepreneur states that you need to build a relationship with your customer first not by just selling your product or service. There is a 4 step process, Know me, Like me, Trust me then pay me. In that order, you cannot circumvent this. Once you have endeared your customer with trust, then you can ask for the sale.

You create trust by engaging, sharing knowledge abd value and consistently being authentic that builds a connection with your customer.

Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media, You are not in the business of selling a product or service, but rather you are serving people through your product or service. When you focus on serving your customer the sale will come shortly thereafter.

We try to create on all platforms without Mastering one or two


Read our more recent blog- Top 10 Tips For Making Business Blog A Success


Sr. Editor at Blannity Content Pro. Leading a small team of talented content writers that help personality-driven brands cut through the noise and differentiate from the competition.